Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dinner, the Pope and iPhones

We had dinner last night with a bunch of crazy Icelanders.  OK.  They weren’t really crazy.  Actually, they were some of the sanest and polite people I’ve met in long time.  Intelligent conversations (except my input about the travails of shopping.  Why did I talk about shopping?  I hate shopping.  And how arrogant Apple is for putting out their new iPhone with that tiny new charger thingy that means we all have to go out and buy an expensive adapter, which should really just cost pennies.  And that I'll stick with my 3G and my hubby to his Android, thank you very much).

But back to those really nice people from Iceland.  Their husbands are the best dressers.  Really.  If my own Mr. Darling would dress like an Icelandic man he would get a lot more action.  I really think that’s true.  But then again, if I dressed more like those sassy fashion forward Icelandic women, then I’d probably feel like getting more action.  I’ll have to talk to him about that.

The occasion of the gathering was a surprise birthday party for my sister-in-law.  Her generous husband treated all of us and their two beautiful daughters and a tag along boyfriend to an evening out at an Italian restaurant.  At that table, we had representation from Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Holland and if you count my mutt-pedigree, Austria, Scotland, England and Norwegian - all sitting around a table with a life-sized bust of Pope Benedict.  It felt unusually global for a girl who grew up thinking the Schmidt family down the street was exotic because their name didn’t end with a “son” – Johnson, Anderson, Thompson.

A highlight of the evening (besides discovering that one can eat Paleo at an Italian restaurant) was when I managed to score an invite to Sigga’s house where she will show me how to knit an Icelandic Lopi sweater.

 They cost hundreds of dollars to buy; even more expensive if you include the airfare to Iceland, but you can also learn to knit, buy the yarn and spend 50 hours making your own.  Of course, I already knit, I have lopi yarn left over from my last trip to Iceland, and I’m hoping with Sigga’s expertise, it won’t even take me 50 hours to finish. 

So here’s to surprise birthday parties, Pope Benedict XVI and wool sweaters!



wildtomato said...

Is the paleo diet making you feel like a rockstar? Curious minds want to know!

livnletlrn said...

The Pope thing is slightly creepy. Lopi sweaters work up super fast. You're in for a treat. Here's an excellent tutorial for how to hold the yarn for stranded work:

Erica said...

Don't you love it when things just happen like that? Creepy Pope thing though, but I'm sure it has started many a conversation ;)

Caroline said...

Randi, You're so hilarious. Thanks for the nice little note on my blog. I'll send you an email when I'm not too lazy to get up from the couch and use our desktop computer that has our email account on the dock.